Vol 4 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2019 | page:6-11 | Kshitij Mody, Parag Sancheti, Kailash Patil, Madhav Borate, Ashok Shyam
Authors: Kshitij Mody [1], Parag Sancheti [1], Kailash Patil [1], Madhav Borate [1], Ashok Shyam [1]
[1] Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics& Rehabilitation,11/12 Thube Park, Shivajinagar, Pune 411005
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Kshitij Bharat Mody
Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics& Rehabilitation,11/12 Thube Park, Shivajinagar, Pune 411005
Email: drkshitijmody@gmail.com
Background: Considerable developments have occurred in meniscal surgery, with increasing usage of meniscal repair as the preferred modality of treatment for meniscal tears, to preserve meniscal morphology and physiologic function and to delay osteoarthrosis. Second look arthroscopy is considered the gold standard in assessing meniscal healing. However, as arthroscopy is an invasive procedure, there is a need for developing accurate modalities for imaging of the post-repair status of the meniscus as a viable alternative to arthroscopy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a good non-invasive imaging modality for evaluation of meniscal healing but the persistence of signals within a repaired healed meniscus on conventional MRI makes accurate interpretation difficult. MR arthrography (MRA), which involves addition of intra-articular contrast, increases the sensitivity and specificity of differentiation between healed scar and possible non-healed repair/retear. CT arthrography is another imaging technique which has been used for detection of retear; however, it is limited in the degree of information it provides as compared to MRI/MRA.
Methods: Recent articles were searched on search engines like PubMed, Google Scholar and references of different articles were checked.
Summary: There is a need for developing accurate modalities for imaging of the post-repair status of the meniscus as a viable alternative to arthroscopy. This review discusses different imaging techniques available for the evaluation of post-repair meniscus and its healing along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: ‘Meniscal repair’ ‘Post-operative radiological evaluation’ ‘MR arthrography’ ‘MR imaging’ ‘CT arthrography’.
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How to Cite this Article: Mody K, Sancheti P, Patil K, Shyam A. A Review Article on Imaging Modalities to Assess Healing Status of Repaired Menisci. Journal of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation 2019 Jan-Jun; 4(1):6-11. |
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