Vol 3 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2016 | page: 8-10 | Divya Desai, Suroshree Mitra, Dabadghav Rachana
Authors: Divya Desai [1], Suroshree Mitra [2], Dabadghav Rachana [3].
[1] Bachelor of physiotherapy from Sancheti Institute of Physiotherapy, Pune.
[2] Assistant professor in Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Masters in Community physiotherapy Pune.
[3] Research co-ordinator, Sancheti college of Physiotherapy Pune.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Suroshree Mitra,
Assistant professor in Sancheti College of Physiotherapy,
Masters in Community physiotherapy.
Email: drsurmitra@gmail.com
Kinesiophobia is a debilitating fear of physical movement and activity resulting from feeling of vulnerability to painful re-injury. Fear of worsening the pain on exercising leads to incomplete functional recovery. This relatively new documented disorder needs to be addressed as a priority for better postoperative outcomes.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 120 (60 unilateral and 60 bilateral)knee arthroplasty patients in their 1-3 weeks of rehabilitative phase. Tampa scale of kinesiophobia was used to assess the occurrence of kinesiophobia in these subjects. A comparison between unilateral and bilateral scores were made.
Results: According to this study56.67% had kinesiophobia while 52 i.e 44.20% did not. 16 belonged to the group of high rate of kinesiophobia while 52 had low rate for the same. 22.50% bilateral cases had occurrence of kinesiophobia while 34.10.20% unilateral cases had kinesiophobia.
Conclusion: This study shows that a high degree of post-operative fear of movement occurred in most patients after total knee arthroplasty. The results were found higher in unilateral than the bilateral cases.
Keywords: Kinesiophobia, Tampa Scale, specific rehabilitative protocols.
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How to Cite this Article:Fear of Movement: Kinesiophobia in Knee Arthroplasty Cases- A Cross-Sectional Study. Desai D. Mitra S, Dabadghav R. Journal of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation 2016 Jan-Apr; 2(1):8-10 |
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