About Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation

The  Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation was started in 2011 and is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal. JOR was started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from Asian countries. The stress is on latest research in the field of  Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.

Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation is launched as a premier international Journal covering all aspects of both Orthopaedics and rehabilitation. This is aimed at providing a platform for presentation of clinical data and evidence based studies from Indian subcontinent and also from abroad. Many national figures in Indian Orthopaedics have joined hands with the journal and have pledged their support for the initiative. Support from the international faculty is very enthusiastic right from joining the editorial board to submitting articles for publication and reviewing them.

Journal Process: Rapid Peer Review and Fast Publication      

We wish to keep the the time between submission to final decision to be 2 weeks only. So submit an article and take advantage of rapid review and publication process.


Why the new Journal?

There are two main reasons [1] produce a body of literature that is clinically relevant and to make this knowledge freely accessible to all. Journals have shown trend to move towards a more rigid framework of scientific publications, meanwhile losing the focus that Journals are meant to directly influence and improve patient care.
[2] Charging for downloading articles imposes another limitation on dispersion and use of knowledge. JOR intends to counter these two issues by creating a journal that is intelligent, interactive, and clinically relevant and at the same time completely Open Access.
The  Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation was first published in 2011 and will now continue as a quarterly (4 issues per year) online journal. The online version will be an open access source. The journal publishes original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, instructional lectures, case reports, technical notes and letters to the editor.

Scope of the Journal :
Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation will publish research in the field of Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, biomaterials, and Congenital disorders.


Submission Formats/Categories

Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation accepts following formats of articles

  • Perspectives
  • Case Study /Series
  • Insights
  • Case Image
  • Interviews
  • Technical Note
  • Master Class
  • Video Technique
  • Innovations
  • Surgical Tips and tricks
  • Burning Questions
  • Case Approach
  • Case Reports
  • Clinical Perspective
  • Original articles
  • Letter to Editor
  •  Reviews, meta-analysis, systematic reviews
  • Letter to Experts


Description of various format is provided below

Perspectives :
A clinical overview of a common topic with aim to share with reader the recent update and current state of affairs.

Insights :
Invited article from an Expert in the Field specially focusing on their area of Research or Interest.

Interviews :
Academicians and Researchers across the world will get a chance to feature in our interview section and share their views.

Master Class :
In this feature we will invite a ‘Master’ to demonstrate videos or pictorial demonstrations of surgical techniques or concepts.

Innovations :
An innovative concept or an Idea that provides a new perspective. This needs to send directly to editorial email and after editorial review it will be send for peer review. 1000 words article describing the new concept, implant, protocol or surgical modification should be accompanied with a note of how this will be clinically relevant.

Burning Questions :
Opinion/Counter opinions from experts or group of experts on selected topics.

Original Articles :
Include case series, comparative trials, epidemiological studies and RCT’s.

Case Reports :
Have been detailed below and all the remaining formats follow similar guidelines as case reports.

Case Image :
Is description of a single Image which has an unique learning point.

Technical Note and Video Technique :
Detailed description of a new technique or improvisation of an old technique.

 Surgical Tips :
Small surgical tips and pearls are invited for this section. Pictures are essential and video will be preferable.

Case Study :
This new format combines the level V evidence with Clinical Decision Making (CDM). It focuses on getting the thought process of the treating surgeon when dealing with a complex/complicated case.

Case Approach :
This is a new but invited only section. We will invite an expert to describe to his approach to a particular case scenario with literature and rationale behind the approach.

Clinical Perspective :
This special section will publish specific learning points or experiences which the authors can share with the readers. The only essential point is that this perspective should be clinically relevant and rationally acceptable. This need not be with details of management or follow up of the case. The idea is to provide a platform for publication of these important and clinically relevant learning points. A single page write up of less than 1000 words will be accepted.

Letter to Editor :
On articles in  Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation. Letters should be typed double-spaced and limited to 1000 words. A copy of the letter will be sent to the previous article’s author(s) to invite a response.

Letter to Experts :
Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation will soon be creating an Expert panel of surgeons. Readers of JOR can ask queries regarding their cases to our Experts. These queries will be answered by experts and the Orthopaedic Research Group will add literature review to this expert opinion and article will be peer reviewed and published in 15 days.

Photo-Article :
Pictorial articles which will be an easy read with most important message highlight.

Read more on Scope of the Journal and authors instructions [CLICK HERE]


Dr Ashok Shyam

Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation