Vol 5 | Issue 2 | July-December 2020 | page: 05-07 | Amita Aggarwal, Jidnyasa Thakur, Tushar J. Palekar
Authors: Amita Aggarwal [1], Jidnyasa Thakur [1], Tushar J. Palekar [1]
[1] Department of Physiotherapy, Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Amita Aggarwal,
Associate Professor, Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, India.
E-mail: amita15pgi@gmail.com
Background: Endurance is a basic element essential for better performance. Higher fat mass can decrease work output and increase fatigability. The purpose of this study was to assess a correlation between Body mass index (BMI) and upper muscular endurance measures among physiotherapy students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 Bachelor of Physiotherapy students without any upper limb pain. BMI was assessed using height and weight measures. Upper muscular endurance was assessed with a push-up test. Relationships were explored using Pearson’s correlation coefficient test (r). A Chi-square test was used for comparing upper muscular endurance among various BMI categories.
Results: Mean age of the subjects was 17-24 (19± 1.93) years. No linear correlation was found between BMI and upper muscular endurance (r =−0.13). Statistically significant (p<0.05) difference in upper muscular endurance of the subjects was found as per their BMI categories.
Conclusion: Obesity lowers down the endurance component of fitness by abating the overall performance levels among physiotherapy students.
Keywords: Push-up test; Fitness; Body fat.
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How to Cite this Article: Aggarwal A, Thakur J, Palekar TJ | The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Upper Body Endurance in Physiotherapists | Journal of Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation | 2020 July- December; 5(2): 05-07. |
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